Animation Types
You can choose two different types of enter/exit animations
- This is the default animation type. It uses Reanimated withTiming function to animate the component.spring
- This animation type uses Reanimated withSpring function to animate the component.
toast('Spring Animation', {
animationType: 'spring',
toast('Default Timing Animation');
Animation Config
You can also customize the options passed to the withTiming/withSpring function.
In addition, you can customize the animation duration and fling return duration.
duration controls the duration of the opacity fade in/out.
fling return duration controls the duration of the fling return animation once the component is released.
toast('Custom Animation', {
animationType: 'timing',
animationConfig: {
duration: 500,
flingPositionReturnDuration: 500,
// ...
toast('Custom Spring Animation', {
animationType: 'spring',
animationConfig: {
damping: 10,
stiffness: 80,
mass: 0.8,
overshootClamping: false,
restDisplacementThreshold: 0.01,
restSpeedThreshold: 0.01,
duration: 500, // Note: you can still use duration which won't affect the spring animation but the opacity fade in/out
Animated Loading Spinner
To create a custom loading animation, create a custom message component.
const LoadingMessage = ({ msg }: { msg: string }) => {
const isDarkMode = useColorScheme() === 'dark';
return (
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<ActivityIndicator style={{ marginRight: 16 }} />
color: isDarkMode ? 'black' : 'white',
toast.loading(<LoadingMessage msg="Loading..." />, {
animationType: 'timing',
animationConfig: {
duration: 500,
flingPositionReturnDuration: 500,
// ...
new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve('Promise resolved')
}, 2000)
loading: <LoadingMessage msg="Loading..." />,
success: 'Promise resolved',
error: 'Promise rejected',
animationType: 'timing',
animationConfig: {
duration: 500,
flingPositionReturnDuration: 500,